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3,90 € *
Solitaire Brilliant cream is a high quality care cream for all types of smooth, soft and aniline leather. The cream contains fruit and beeswaxes that not only care for the leather, but also impregnate it. It is available in many delicate and bold colors and comes in a handy 75ml tube with sponge applicator. The application of the cream is simple and straightforward. First, you should thoroughly clean the leather to be treated from dust and dirt. Then apply the cream thinly and evenly, without applying pressure. Then let the cream dry and buff out the leather with a cloth or shine brush to absorb excess cream and make the leather shine. Another advantage of the care cream is that it is solvent-free. Thus, it is not only environmentally friendly, but also gentle on the leather. With this care cream, you can provide your leather with optimal care and protection and make it shine at the same time.
Staub und Schmutz entfernen. Creme gleichmässig, dünn und ohne Druck auftragen. Trocknen lassen und anschliessend mit einem Tuch oder einer Glanzbürste auspolieren, um überschüssige Creme aufzunehmen.